Question: What are our duties in relationship with the Holy Dhama, Sri Vrindavan?
Answer: Srila Prabhupada said - I am quoting Hayagriva - That we should clean the Dham, fix the broken temples and establish the glories of deity worship.
When we visit the Holy Dham, we should avoid the offences against the Holy Dham. Plus Srila Sridhara Maharaja said: Vrindavana is a state of consciousness. So we should always try to be in that consciousness and try to make Vrindavana present every where we go. We should also speak about he glories of Vrindavana and chant the Holy Name so we will become qualified to actually serve Vrindavana.
Srila Prabhupada took the glories of Vrindavana all around the world and it is quite reasonable to say that every devotee should send some help, in whatever way he feels inspired. In our mission, Vrinda, we have already established four Vraja-Seva-Asrams, managed schools and printed tons of material for the service of Vrindavana. We also designed a Krsna-lila park for the municipality, cleaned some streets around our asram and when the devotees come from foreign countries, they often bring gifts for the locals. Above all we try to participate in rising ecological awareness, which has been a tough job. I was present in many conversations of different organisations for the service of Vrindavana and we still go on in one way or another, trying to make ourselves useful. Because a little service is better than no service. Our seva-asramas in Vrindavana are generally known as the most beautiful examples of restauration of architectural jewels of Vrindavana. Vrinda-kunja specifically and the Mungir-mandir of Sadhu Maharaja are examples of keeping some beautiful gardens.
Vraja mandala is 64 sq km an there is plenty of service to be done. If you want to help personally, you may contact me and I can advice you some project you may support according to your inclination.