Question: In the answer about abortion, you give the advice, to listen to the heart. How do I know, what is my heart? For exemple: A friend has big problems in his familylife. They have got two children, 2 and 5 years old. His wife, had an affair with another man. Now she has only negativ feelings for her husband. She does not know what to do. Her intellect tells her to stay with the family, but her heart and feelings tend to separate with her husband. Is it really her heart telling her to destroy the family?
Answer: guru sastra sadhu vaikya citete koriya aikya
First we have to consider Guru, Sastra and Sadhu. Then, at the end, we should listen to our heart. All of them should produce a congruent solution. Then you know that the solution must be very good. If you cannot find that harmony between the revealed truth and your understanding, start your research again. Do not act hastily. How could your heart disagree with the truth if the truth is the only thing beneficial for you? With the guidance of the revealed truth you will learn to understand your real heart and you will be protected from being mislead by your mind. When you are in doubt - don't do it. Pray to God to show you how to conquer your doubt. There is no reason to lament later if you proceed in that way.
PS: Tell your friend that one should try to save the united family almost at any cost, but that is only possible if God is in the center of your life. The concern for the welfare of the children - according to my feeling - should be given the priority. The parents already made so many decisions in their lives, but the little children are just starting their life and if they loose their trust in their guardians, they will have much pain to digest. Due to the fault of those who did not behave according to the sweet will of God, to maintain the family united. This is most properly due to ego-problems. And the only way to overcome the ego is to put the higher values over the lower relative considerations.
My best wishes for you, your friend and their children.